Huntsville State Park used to be the place that I would do a lot of my long runs when I was in college. I have many memories (1985-1991) about running out in the park and a few stand out in my mind.
1. One time we were running and we all saw this ball on the trail so one of our athletes decided to sprint up ahead and kick it. Well before he could stop his kicking motion he ended up kicking a bowling ball. I will have to say it was a funny watching him as he kicked it. It didn't go very far but he did put it in the air. After we all stopped laughing we decided we should make sure he didn't hurt himself. He did limp around for a few days.
2. Another time we decided we would do an extra long run and take a few trails we had never been on before. Well it ended up getting dark and we were having to cut through the brush and we ended up getting chiggers on us.
3. Also, I remember all the hard workouts that we used to do out there. Coach Stanfield (now the coach for UAB) used to make us to these two mile repeats on the hilly section. Coach Francis (no clue where he is now) used to drop us off at 6:00 a.m and make us run 8 miles back to the college. Coach Lumley (owns a running store), well we used to do some biking out on the roads in the park. I remember one time we were all climbing one of the hills coming out of the park and we heard some noise coming from one of the bikes and next thing you know the bike split right in half.
Lots more but I better stop.