Saturday, February 28, 2009

My typical week

5:00 a.m wake up and walk the dog
5:45 a.m M,W &F go for a swim. T & TH go for a run.
6:45 a.m shower and get ready for work
8:00 a.m head off to work M,T,W,TH & F
4:20 p.m head home M,Th & F and go for a bike on M and Th & F go for a run. On T & W go coach one of our group running programs.
7:15 p.m head home from coaching on T & W. On M,TH & F eat dinner.
8:15 p.m eat dinner on T & W.
9:15 p.m head to bed.
**During the day and through the night I also answer clients e-mails.

5:00 a.m wake up and walk the dog.
6:00 a.m every other Saturday go coach Team Hendryx running programs(Some practices are longer than others)
7:00 a.m either eat breakfast and get ready for a my own workout.
8:00 a.m -11:00 Some type of workout.
Noon - 6:00 work on house projects, develop workouts for clients or just do things I wasn't able to do during the week.
6:00 or 7:00 try and eat dinner and relax.
9:00 Bedtime

1 comment:

me and my Homeys said...

this whole deal sounds just grueling...seriously, sleep in and have a cupcake one day. It'll change your life.